E.T.A. Board Members
Bobbi Laughton
Vice President
Having lived in Amador County for the past 19 years, I have witnessed the compassion and commitment this community has shown each other in countless ways.
These traits are embodied by the volunteers and mission of ETA. As a newbie to the organization, I am excited to be a part of this amazing group of people who are on the front lines, under stressful conditions, putting themselves out there for the health and safety of our “furry” families.
Giving back to our community, whatever that looks like is a responsibility we all have, and I look forward to learning from all of you how I can best serve.
Interim Treasurer
amy mccuan
Valerie anderson
Valerie has been involved with animals in Amador County for decades. She has volunteered at the shelter and APAL. She was also a 4-H project leader for a variety of species for her children and club members.
She became involved with ETA during the Butte Fire. She is passionate to spread the word of ETA's impact to Amador and the surrounding counties.
Training & Liaison
Dr. Vicki Smalley, DVM
Training & Liaison
Paula is an avid equestrian who grew up active in 4-H and the local wildlife rescue team.
After assisting with various animal rescue organizations during large wildfires in 2017 and 2018 she joined ETA where she was impressed by the dedication and inclusive spirit of the organization.
She's been hooked ever since and stands ready to help the animals (and their owners) of the Amador County area.
Joe is an ETA rescue who found purpose as a volunteer and a board member.
"Reuniting animals whos humans wondered if they'd ever see them again during emergency situations is my passion"
Joe also volunteers with Volcano Theater Group as an audio & lighting technician.
Linda is a long time resident of Amador County. She has three adult children and many grandchildren in the community. She is also a Teamster and is employed as a driver in an aggregate plant in Sacramento.
Linda joined ETA as a walk-in volunteer in the first hours of the Electra fire 07/04/2022.
Having a love for animals but no background with any other than domestic animals she was still able to find a way to be of service.