Horseback & ATV Search Support for Silver Alert Jackson

On November 5th 2018 E.T.A. was deployed by Jackson PD to provide search assistance via horseback and ATV and assist incident command in the search for an elderly female with dementia.

Amador Search & Rescue had searched through the night to find her. Early the next morning Officer Jake Tollett deployed E.T.A to assist. We were able to help set up a command center. Incident Command Officer Rachel Butler took command and dispatched ETA, Jackson Fire and local citizens to help with the search.

Chief Mackey was a hero for searching the ravine nearest Linda’s house and finding her. The elderly patient was transported to the Sutter Amador hospital for a check up after being found and rescued. This successful search operation took a coordinated effort from Jackson Fire, Jackson PD, ETA and the community. We are so happy with the results!

Jackson PD Chief Scott Morrison was at the scene and thanked us for our assistance.